
Prevent Another Corona exists to clarify the ways humanity has contributed to COVID-19’s:

– Emergence
– Rapid transmission
– High rates of hospitalisation and death

Our aim is to provide clear action steps for individuals, governments and businesses to take that will reverse these factors and help prevent another pandemic.

This is a space for discussion, for sharing and for learning together. At the moment we have a blog and a twitter channel. We have plans for a podcast with guests and further social media. Please do interact; reach out and let us know what you think via the comments option here, on twitter or by email to .


My name is Rob Kay. I run a website agency and I’m a recording artist. I’m British but since Brexit I live with my wife, Alison, co-creator of this site, and our son near Florence, Italy.

Prevent Another Corona was born in the early days of lockdown, as we watched what was happening to our 6-year old son. All of a sudden he couldn’t go to school; he wasn’t allowed outside for more than a few moments a day; he couldn’t see or play with his friends.

Witnessing this, and all that has ensued, one question stands out: What in the hell have we done to the world to make this the reality our kids live in?

There is very little media space being dedicated to this question; to discuss, explore and change the behaviours that got us here. Virtually everything our governments have done so far – lockdown, facemasks and vaccine development – is disaster response. Prevent Another Corona is here to understand we must go beyond that; to dig into how we can change ourselves and our world to avoid the fearful, clipped and tragic experience all of us have lived through the last 9 months being the everyday reality we leave to our children.